Company Particulars | HSE Invest d.o.o.

Company Particulars

Full name: HSE Invest, družba za inženiring in izgradnjo energetskih objektov, d.o.o.
Short name: HSE Invest d.o.o.
Legal form: limited liability company
Registered office: Obrežna ulica 170, 2000 Maribor
Phone: +386 2 300 59 92
Fax: +386 2 300 59 91
Reg. No.: 1574256000
VAT No.: SI43635750
Bank account: SI56 0451 5000 0839 849 with Novi KBM d.d.
Manager: M.Sc. Jure Šimic
Reg. file No.: 1/11347/00, registered with Maribor District Court
Share capital: 320.000,00 EUR
Activity code: 71.129
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